To correctly perform a sport and reduce the risk of injury, a series of precautions are taken: medical check-ups are passed to know the physical condition, to acquire the appropriate material (sambes, rackets, sports clothes, etc…), an adequate hydration is carried out and an adequate nutritional pattern is followed, among other measures. But what about our mind?

Do you enjoy or suffer to a greater extent in your sports practice? Do you feel unmotivated at times? Do you get the benefits you are looking for when doing sports? Do you know how to realistically set your goals? Do you love your emotions well? Do you consider yourself resilient? Do you adequately reconcile the time you spend in sport with the rest of your life? Do you communicate assertively to your team? Do you have effective strategies to resolve conflicts? Do you appreciate that there is a constructive dynamic in your team?

Sports psychology can help you train your mind to face the challenges that you want to mark individually or collectively in any sports discipline, regardless of your level (professional or amateur). Aimed at athletes, trainers and other agents in the sports environment (families, referees, technical staff), sports psychology facilitates the development of psychological strategies and skills applied to physical activity.

At Tredic Masnou, we have incorporated the clinical psychology service with Meritxell Bellatriu into our sports medicine unit, which has extensive experience in this field.