What it is, when it is indicated and how it is done.

Eco-doppler carotid is an innocuous, painless and rapid exploration that allows us to evaluate the degree of arteriosclerosis (calcification of the arteries) that we suffer and that can increase the risk of suffering a cardiovascular event, especially a stroke.

The carotides are ecographically accessible arteries and are a reflection of the state of our entire arterial tree.

It is mainly indicated in patients:

  • Cardiovascular history (ictus, acute myocardial infarction…)
  • Hypertensive
  • Diabetics
  • Dyslipemia (high cholesterol)
  • Smokers

It can also be done to the general population that wants it as it is a marker of cardiovascular disease and helps us to start or intensify the treatment in case of being pathological.

  • No previous preparation is required by the patient.
  • An ultrasound will be carried out on both sides of the neck (where the carotid arteries are located) with the patient lying whenever possible.

The result of the ultrasound will be known at the time of exploration and so you will have the opportunity to start taking care of yourself as your doctor recommends.

This test is carried out by our specialist in vascular surgery and angiology, Dra. Paulina Pérez.